
Showing posts from 2017

Brain power Brain rules

Here in this post I will talk about the first step in creating a healthy brain enviornment. Most information I learned along the way as well as gathered from various books on brain health. The first and most important step to a healthy brain is exercise, yup, that is very important. I know you are saying, what if I dont like to exercise? well remember in school gym class, the jocks who overdue it seem less attentative to studies, however the kids who tempered and enjoyed themselves with the activity seemed well rounded, and the kids who always had an excuse, well, some focused totally on studies but seemed sick all the time, or the opposite end of that they appeared self absorbed only focusing on them...not leaving room for much else. The focus here is what the brain decides to divert its power to; slef care, beauty, education, or social activities and sports. Some people are predetermined to singular focus. Others seemd to be able to move mountains and create major shifts in many wa...

The Endocrine System and your health

Okay so I am sure everyone has heard of the endocrine system, right? Well if you didn't it is only the most important system on the body which controls a range of health functions. The glands that compose the endocrine system are as follows: The hypothalamus The pituitary gland The thyroid The para thyroid The adrenals The pineal gland And the reproductive system not male and female Now, I know what you are saying, but what do these things affect in the body that could cause illness, well I am going to tell you. The hormones, yup those things that go crazy at the age of puberty...those and they are as follows: Estrogen Pregestrone Androgen Testosterone These can go out of balance and cause all sorts of problems, your moods will be up down, in and out and all over the place. It can cause problems with sexual dysfunction, metabolisim, and your immune system. I should mention that the intestines actually hold a large part in the balance of your system as well. If you ta...

A little about my Journey as a Healer

This post will be a first in a series of posts to help people on their healing journey. Let me begin by telling you a little about myself. My name is Aleatra. I hail from a small port town in Long Island, NY. It was full of wonderful summers and strong winters, Pow wows at Shenicock, and beach gatherings all summer long. The things I remember about my youth are Family and backyard cook-outs, Music and dancing and plenty of Church. Throughout my youth I always KNEW that there was something (not the same) about me. While other kids played, I wanted to learn about Egypt, the pyramids, the gods, and all the stories I could gather- from EVERY culture. And somehow, I always ended up alone in the library, in a cubical, reading and dreaming. My thoughts drifted all the time, to things like Art, Music, Dance, and why people became ill. You could say my training with illness, and how to cure or avoid it, started young. I always had a head cold, ear problems, or I was low in iron. I suff...

Thinking on God

Look, as I said before, my stance on God is not like everyone else's. I have a firm belief in prayer and meditation, I know that GOD lives in each and everyone of us and it is up to us to make that part shine. I also know human emotion is a motherfucker. It will lead you to try and make people see your side. I have never needed to run in a pack, I have always walked in my own direction. I don't pray like other people, because I think sometimes people say one sided prayers...if you say we are created in God's image, then how can you wish harm to someone because they don't follow what you follow or do as you do. I don't feel it is my place to tell someone how to move in this world. I think we have evolved from something we know nothing about, I think the Bible sets a point of view from the people of that region. Not America, not Europe..but in fact the middle East. Let's be correct though, everyone has a creation to speak. Everyone wants to say they ar...

It ain't where you from, it where you at

( it an't where your from, it's where you at) if you deal in the past you set that trap, I came from hard streets and never my road paved in Gold, every opportunity I had I made it unfold! I see game, I say player I'll play along, you never know who I know is telling tune of this song, if your game lined up with my real opportunity then that means I flipped the script, but you saw a fake opportunity. A childish game you played but your fodder I passed along, they laughed I laughed and we moved along. The power of your mind is to be used as a gift, but you set the tune of fake riffs, we laughed at the promises, we laughed at the accolades we laughed and stirred at the cup of your ghetto kool-aid. That's what you call it right, when you think you've won, but you've made something ignite, then your game comes undone, take your yarn back kitten, your games undone!

Love what it is, what it can be

Everybody wants Love, yet no one knows how to attain it or they're afraid that it will end bad, or they stay guarded and when love leaves the table they think to themselves "see I knew it wasn't real!" Love is not a game, you either want true Love or you want control. Love is, Pure and Simple delight in another human being, it is laughter, long walks, holding hands, respecting one another even after a disagreement.  If you find it hard to find love ask yourself are you playing games, or are you being real, are you emotionally constipated and have no intention of changing? Are you willing to take it slow, or do you want to fast track it? Often times the fast track never works out, sometimes it will; no 2 love situations are alike. You want love but are you willing to move mountains of doubt and fear, and old ways to have it. Love is strange. I have found the couples who I honor the most said they never tried to play games with the other person, they never felt jealo...

Can you love like this?

What are you willing to do for love? Love cares nothing about your ego, your money, your status in life. Are you willing to do something you have never done before for love? Can you put caution and mind games aside? There are men and women in this world who care nothing about money, or status. What they do care about is you. Are you willing to walk that line and meet in the middle? Love is trying to feed your soul, and you keep playing mind games so every love you attract will do the same. If a person is kind and full of Compassion for you and you feel it, that is love! Can you hear it in their voice, love has a gentleness about it that even in an argument you both still hear the love, Compassion and caring in the others words. Men: you can beat your chest and tell the world this is my woman, she is my heart and soul, but the second someone close to you says yeah but...etc, do you question yourself? You my friend have to be willing to say.." I have said what I said, I know how I...

Let's Build

I have been listening to a lot of reggae lately, trying to get that IRE feeling i seem to be missing. If you look at the world with everything that is going on, you get no comfort whatsoever. Babylon is truly burning . Capitolisim has taken its toll and Love seems to have taken a holiday. People are more apt to flip the Bird,  then throw up the Peace sign, friendships are not what they used to be and relationships come with dollars signs and conditions. Throughout all of this I am trying hard to have that IRE feeling, the its all gonna be alright, in my meditations and prayers I cry , holding my hands out asking to be filled with the grace needed to do what I need to, asking for wisdom, asking to be the empowered person I need to be for everyone who might need me. Wisdom, Compassion, Love, Faith... not the faith that comes from a book, but the faith that only being fully washed by light and healing can give you,  the inner power to motivate a change. I have had ...

Points to help with Narcisists

This is more than likely something you all already know about Narcisists but I will bring this information to you in hopes you will be able to let go of your anger towards them and learn to take your power back. There are facts about narcissists that most people overlook, because most people do not work within the "me" mindset. They also don't think constantly of winning and taking control of another, however narcissists live off of this power they gain. 1. Engaging in smear campaigns Once you get deep into the relationship, they have you where they want you. If you move into a new neighborhood, they will talk to every neighbor you have, they will tell them you are a horrible person, they will whisper and act like you are controlling everything they do in front of these people making you look like the control freak. If they have friends, they will drive you to distraction with bullshit and nonsense before the friends come over, so all they see is you being angry an...