Love what it is, what it can be

Everybody wants Love, yet no one knows how to attain it or they're afraid that it will end bad, or they stay guarded and when love leaves the table they think to themselves "see I knew it wasn't real!"

Love is not a game, you either want true Love or you want control. Love is, Pure and Simple delight in another human being, it is laughter, long walks, holding hands, respecting one another even after a disagreement. 

If you find it hard to find love ask yourself are you playing games, or are you being real, are you emotionally constipated and have no intention of changing?

Are you willing to take it slow, or do you want to fast track it? Often times the fast track never works out, sometimes it will; no 2 love situations are alike. You want love but are you willing to move mountains of doubt and fear, and old ways to have it.

Love is strange. I have found the couples who I honor the most said they never tried to play games with the other person, they never felt jealous of friends, family or new found friends. They embraced each other  and changed together, some of the most.

Lovely relationships I have seen are ones where both parties had  a lot in common, they did not try to out due each other, they played to the strengths of their partners and nothing was ever a competition.

If you feel you need to compete with your partner, you are not in love, if you feel you need to win, you are not in love, if you feel they are or need to be beneath you, you are not in love.  If you feel drawn to a person, but are afraid of the energy between you that is a good sign, it means something wild and wonderful is taking you out of your comfort zone. 

If you are like oooo I want that right out the gate, that usually is a chemical reaction to the physical. Love , true love will scare the shit out of you, make your heart race and sometimes make you question your sanity because of the levels you are willing to go to to make another happy, because you see them doing the same. 

If you both want to dance naked in the moonlight on a hot summers night, or take a long walk around the old neighborhood, or you want to just chill and grow old together you have found the one. But if either of you show resistance to the others idea of what relationship is, then rest assured that is not the one.


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