How to use food to slow down and reverse aging

Now we all know how this is, getting over the age of 40, feeling a little under the weather, feeling slower than usual and needing a little boost? Well lets talk about something called ATP's and Polyphenol rich foods. 

First up in the wonderland of cell energy called ATP: basically glucose is converted into ATP, which gives the body a little boost through a chemical chain reaction called cellular respiration. Partially the reason people who suffer from diabetes have slow to no energy and bad metabolism is the slowing down of this process. When a cell needs energy it splits off a phosphate group which becomes ADP- adenosine diphosphate, this is used for muscle function and building organic molecules. 

ATP - and - ADP act like a battery, when ADP gets low it reconnects to ATP and the process starts all over again. How to build and maintain ATP- more protein and polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fatty acids these are found in lean meats, fatty fish and nuts, unfortunately consuming these can lead to weights gain if you do not do the thing some of us have grown to find" outrageously overrated" working out 😂, that's right, even running on the treadmill, lifting weights and aerobics will feel more like a walk in the park instead of walking uphill with a 75lbs weight on your back once you fix the levels of ATP/ ADP running around inside your body.

Now, I would love to tell you that a simple little pill would fix all of this, however, that would be crazy and unprofessional of a person who promised to help people heal through proper diet and self education. We have pills that can assist in the process, however, there aren't any magic potions or pills that will make you feel 100% -25 again without putting in the work with proper food and exercise. 

So, I did mention polyphenol's and they are the fun part of all of this, some of the best foods that are polyphenol rich are yummy too:

Let's talk berries, all berries are packed full of polyphenols. so eat as many as you can, make 
smoothies, fruit salad and enjoy.  Berries are 
amazing for heart health, antioxidants, weight management, caner prevention, bone health, 
immune system support. 

As you can see most of the food that keeps us young 
and active and vital ( Fruits and Berries)why do our
parents have to be right and why am I just finding out 
now... Benefits of apples, weight loss, heart health, 
cancer prevention, skin health gut health, liver health,
brain health, with Vitamin C.

Cherries anyone, the rich colors just like the skin of the apples and deep hue of berries, all of these are rich in polyphenols, not to mention cherries can assist you in keeping blood pressure in check, heart health, muscle recovery, skin healing and gout...from eating to many rich foods...

Vegetables, why you ask, and why did you have so much more energy when you were younger...cause Momma said eat your vegetables young/ lady/ man... 
Fiber, Folate, immune system health, Potassium, Vitamin C, Vitamin K and weight loss, these are all the things that vegetables bring to the table and to our bodies, so heap them up!  

Yummy, slightly bitter and maybe a little intoxicating Dark Chocolate is one of those things that for me are better left unscathed, no milk chocolate for me. We all have heard about the heart health benefits of dark chocolate, that other benefits are brain function, blood flow, blood sugar regulation, minerals, nutrients and blood pressure maintenance. 

I would sit here all night and give each and every goody good on the food front, but alas that would be more of an article and less of a Blog. So here is a list of the rest of the foods and such, that give us so much, starting with: Grains, not just the usual ones either, let's get motivated to eat things like Cous Cous, Buckwheat, Rice, Quinoa, Millet, Rye, Amaranth... packed and rich with minerals and all the polyphenols one could possibly need.

Plums, Apricots, Cloves, Onions, Nuts, Olive Oil, and Flaxseed,  each one of these are nutrient rich, full of minerals and polyphenols and will assist you in staying healthy, young and vibrant. 


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