Ge' ne Clem Photography "To conjure the Classic"

Recently, I've had the brilliant opportunity of sharing information and conversation with Mr. Ge'ne Clem, Ge'ne is originally from Trinidad and Tobago; while attending school in Trinidad at (Vessigny Secondary School) he was taught the beauty of color through a vast number of mediums.

Soon this information would lend balance and grace to his work in so many ways. This work will transform  him into the man he is today, from the accidental Hairstylist in Trinidad to the self actualized  "Ge'ne Clem Photographer."

As I said Clem started out as a hairdresser in Triny' and soon moved to Brooklyn, New York. He spent 20 plus years working as a hairstylist; he was owner of "Trenz Hair Salon" but in 2007, Clem retired from the business and moved to Atlanta.

In late fall of 2009, Ge'ne decided to take his retirement seriously by looking into a passion of his, Photography. Ge'ne was fortunate to become close friends with "Stephen Brownlee" master darkroom printer at "The Serenbe Photography Center" with whom he is still learning the traditional processes of photography; he has also attended workshops with artist- instructors' Michael West and Robin Davis. Ge'ne has an amazing ability to capture flora fauna and peoples natural states' and make you see the beauty of them in the most classic raw-otherworldly-slightly-ethereal quality! I think his time as a hairdresser and artist give his photographic eye a transitional uplifting and soul taming timbre.

His recent "Floral Stories" came out of a challenge by Art Collector and Curator "John Benette" John made a comment about his florals and how they could "be better," so Ge'ne grasped the challenge and his camera and went to work. Ge'ne Clem is not only healing himself with this cathartic process of allowing the visual concepts to flow, but he is channeling the power of his subject to heal the viewer as well, this has gone from being individually potent to collectively potent.
This Photographers Personal Philosophy: " Personal art creates something that moves the viewer, not just beauty but power a moving power; I feel your work should connect you and your audience, so they can immediately identify with you!"    " We have artists from hundreds of years ago who still captivate, this is what I desire to achieve with my photography the same soul connecting-timeless-reverberation." 

Contact information:

Phone: 678-329-7105



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