The Kindness of being "Happy"
What is being
To some being happy can take on different meanings and faces. Like grief , happiness can come with odd side effects, some cry, some get overly wet hands, waiting for the other shoe to drop, thinking...happiness never lasts for me.
So, can you describe the happiness inside of you, what it looks like, sounds like, tastes like? How in touch are you with your inner child; this is the little you who used to play with GI Joe or Barbie and was told at a certain age that playtime is over.
My blog for today is about getting back to that happy place, I want everyone reading this to get out a pen maybe go out and by a 97 cent. notebook from your local dollar store or Walmart....etc.. and get to making out your list.
I will give you some steps to take that may help:
1. Note Book and pencil ( Decorate the front of it like you used to in High School) or if you were the color between the lines type,get one of the black and white note know what I am talking about!
2. Find a writing utensil that makes you feel young Hot Pink pencil with butterflies set or yellow pencils with little gnome erasers on it...just get them and put them in a pencil box. Now mark the pencil box up with stickers etc... and the first step is done.
3. Now I want you to start doing the work, day dream a little and make a log of your day dreams....make them fun or like I said ( as Nerd-a-riffic as you would like them to be!) Just do it.
Now that you have started this process, whenever your feeling like ( The Grown Ups have got you down) I want you to go to your note books and pencils and write, and keep writing till you laugh so hard that you are actually seeing the JOKE of being a so called "Grown Up!"
What I have learned "is" the Kindness in being happy can be soothing to your soul and makes you shine... it takes away those rough edges, and gives you a child like reediness,the kind that we loose in being " The Bread Winner, The Mother, The Husband, The Wife, The CEO, The responsible one." You can still be all of this without the burden of being HUM-DRUM-GLUM.
So Thank You and Remember to Smile and get in touch with that inner child....LOVE YA' from your AKD!
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