We Got the "Big Mo" Blues in the House!

Ladies and Gentlemen, Tonight on Intrinsic Communication Center Stage 
Coming to you' FULL CIRCLE!!!

As everyone knows''' Aunt Kitty D' Loves the Blues! So when I had the opportunity to get a awesome connection with Maurice Huffman, A.K.A Big Mo', I jumped at it with my apron on!!! Like I do...without further adieu, I give you Big Mo' and Aunt Kitty Diamond Q&A with a plate of Black--Eyed Peas, some Bratwurst,  Cabbage and German Chocolate Cake----Babe...Lets do this!!!

Aunt Kitty Diamond: Exactly when did the "Blues Bugg" hit you?

When I was 12 years old, a friend of my mother’s took me to see Ray Charles.  She knew him so after the show we went backstage and spent 2 hours with him. I was fascinated by his music and him and knew from that moment on I would sing the rest of my life. I joined a choir and later started playing music with friends

 Aunt Kitty Diamond: As artists, we sometimes go through many incarnations.  Have you always been “Big Mo?”  Or is there a heavy metal Mullet wearing younger version of you out there...? ( LOL)

In the late 70’s and early 80’s I formed a band in Germany “Alliance Hi Band” we played all original Rock and Southern Rock.

We did well, and had a single record on the German Radio.  We had a great following. After that band imploded, I swore off Rock music, and went to an Opera school and sang as a (Baritenor), Baritone/ Tenor for a few years and learned a lot about singing. Soon after that, I married an American girl and moved to the USA.  I had no money no job and soon because of my current “then” circumstances learned more about the Blues and started writing and performing in Northern California. In 2004, I won the Best Blues Band award from the Monterey Bay Blues Festival and started writing more and more.

The latest CD Full Circle has taken my writing and performing to a more explorative place, beats, rhythms, sounds the whole Pie-Just for you!

Aunt Kitty Diamond: As a Blues Artist, what would you say about R&B and the “New Blues” artists today?

I am very glad to hear some great new R&B and Blues artists appear in the last 10 years, I thought it got lost in the 90’s!

Aunt Kitty Diamond:  Are there any artist you would like to work with?

My dream, is to work with B.B.King, Keb Mo’ and some other great musicians out there. I had the pleasure to perform with Ruth Brown, Billy Preston, Ray Manzarek , Charlie Musslewhite, Canned Heat and some other great musicians at various festivals but I would love to actually work with any of them anytime of course.

Aunt Kitty Diamond:  Where have you performed in the US? Moreover, can we find you local to our area anytime soon...ie. Vermont to Florida???

I mainly perform in California and Germany where I have a very loyal fan base. I did perform in Memphis for a few days. My goal is to spread my music and to tour the United States.

Aunt Kitty Diamond:  I love your mix of musical energy on “Full Circle” please tell the reader a little about your inspiration and process for your recent album, give us the goods Babe!!!!

The Full Circle album is a mix of all the different musical styles that come from inside me.  I recently was joined by a new rhythm section that likes to get “funkier” which inspired me to go more in that direction, and I love it. I am not sure where the Blues and R&B comes from in my blood. It all kind-of started when I met Ray Charles in 1972. Something clicked, but it took many years to develop to where I am now. After playing music for almost 35 years, I feel that today I am ready. I have lived the life of hard work, raising a family, struggling, suffering, and many happy adventures. Now I am ready to share all of that with my music and my soul. I am ready to join all of my musical experiences, all of my love, and my joy of performing for people everywhere I can.

And here we are, looking into the future of another Blues Pioneer...saying The Blues, is The Blues, is The Blues!!! After having a warm and genuine conversation with Big Mo' I can tell you, the best is yet to come. You can hear it in his voice, and feel it with each word...  Big Mo' has more to share and I am glad to have made his acquaintance. Below are a few ways you can contact him for shows or just to check him out,---Show Big Mo' some love Y'all---Aunt Kitty Diamond-OUT! 


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