Rejection can be a blessing! It can also be a positive lesson!

 The most empowering thing you can do, is know when you aren't being punished for not making the cut, you might have to work towards polishing your branding, or its not time for you to be in the presence of a certain group.

Never take rejection as some sort of signal you aren't liked or not enough. Rejection can be a positive action. Sometimes people are hardened towards you because they need fine tuning as well, rejection can be a lesson for all parties involved.

I have had people hardened towards me, only to find out later, I am nothing like they heard or thought; also, I my self have found out they aren't what I expected, or I realized the timing was off, sometimes in order for the big things to happen, everyone involved needs a perspective adjustment.

The picture below is one of my AI generated artworks, from a lesser artwork that I had not completed... Balance and seeking the lesson is always a positive way to see life.


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