Inner Vision, Soul Artist " Paul Deo"

I have come into contact with all kinds of artists over my many years in the
 entertainment and arts industry and I can attest to this much, "Paul Deo" puts the vision in VISIONARY!

Deo, began his path as artist at the age of 5 under the tutelage of his much loved, Aunt Auressa Moore.

Paul Deo, has graced us with heart felt, soul searching dynamic visual art. His, is an (ART OF THE COSMOS) each work gives you that "I want to dive in and explore my mind feeling."

 Deos, creations come from a place that is beyond the normal, mixing original technique with inner vision expression. He is definitely a "No Box Included" artist. I know you might be thinking "what do you mean"... well if you have a box- you have directions, if you have directions- you have cookie cutter art; Paul Deo is a stand apart artist that will fill your imagination and take you for a wonderful ride into yourself.

Paul Deo,  will capture you with imagery from historical cultural leaders to spiritual leaders to Deo's own visual interpretation of his inner spiritual guided story telling. Each work is a feast for the eyes.

Let us look at his accomplishments and the cultural affect he has had on society visually.Paul Deo's conceptual ideas have grown into: Graphic Novels, Mural Paintings, Flash Animation, Sculpture and Video.

His visual design concepts have granted him a place as one of the most influential "Conceptual Visual Designers of our generation,"  Paul has worked on over 80 films, music videos and commercials.

The list of projects and people "Deo" has worked with includes: Malcom X, AI:Artificial Intelligence, Boomerang, Spike Lee, Lil Wayne, Disney Pictures, Foot-Locker, Eddie Murphy, and Paul Deo's (Animation State.) and the list is ever growing and expanding.

Current list of, Personal collectors includes: Jude Law, and Andrew Bynum
Current list of, Permanent collections: Museum of Natural History, and The Smithsonian Institute

So please join me in celebrating one of  America's true " Inner Vision, Soul Artists" Paul Deo.


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