Sidestreet Reny... "Original Urban Roots 'N' Blues"

Grainy, Lovely and ON..........
"Come follow we" is the sound of your heart listening to Sidestreet Reny, it's a joyful thing. I would like to say that it is almost like listening to a "Roots- Reggae-Blues-Hop- Pied-Piper!" 

I can't stop moving and smiling no matter what I do. Although not all the songs are total "Party Time", they still get you moving! One moment, you find yourself  "a walk in rollin' " down in Yard...the next sitting on a porch in Louisiana, singing and dancing along to a raspy, grainy...heart filled voice, with  "Angelically" strong harmonies. Keeping to the grove with the "good bread" flowing all around!
So come on y’all let's get fed with a little Sidestreet Reny!

Aunt Kitty: So Reny and Bell, you have been working together about 16 years now doing this wonderful music. Please talk to the readers about the beginning process and did you always have your current sound?

Sidestreet Reny: Well, we have been playing the way we do for about 14 yrs.  I was a rap artist (reggae and hip hop) back in the 90's and recorded for major labels w/ such artists as Vanessa Williams (the Comfort Zone), Brian McKnight (I Can't Go For That) and Inner Circle (Bad Boys Remix). I was living in Denmark at that point and was also a sponsored Skateboarder. When Polygram Records brought me back to New York to record my debut album, it was just around the time the company folded. My disdain for the direction in which the industry was heading led me to the pre-war Blues sound and a new outlook on my passion. Soon after that my hip-hop and reggae influences reared their sleeping heads. The Sidestreet Reny "urban roots 'n' blues" of "rapping blues" sound was born, soon after this...this amalgamation of sounds would prove to be the key. And now here we are. 

Aunt Kitty: As I read one of your Bio's, it spoke about your sound being a mix of " pre-war-blue, roots and folk music-with a touch of island and urban" All I can say is Man, Man, Oh' Man, tell the good reading people a little about your influences.

Sidestreet Reny: Blind Boy Fuller and Bo Carter meet Rakim and a Tribe Called Quest at a Bob Marley and a Barrington Levy show. Old school hip hop and reggae influenced my childhood thru my early 20's and my "Sidestreet Reny" sound would be the marrying of all this!

Aunt Kitty: Your songs have a social note, and a emotional nature of international (conscious) music, what type of crowds do you see your group attracting?

Sidestreet Reny: It's hard to say...we attract all age groups. 20's thru 30's maybe the most. Older folks dig us too, they say " Loved yer' sound...and the rap parts didn't even bother me" ha-ha!

Aunt Kitty: Has the mixture (audience) become more eclectic with the changing times?

Sidestreet Reny: I don't know (?). We are always in front of an eclectic crowd. Hippies to Hoppers and all between.

Aunt Kitty: I understand you will be going on tour, how often do you tour?

Sidestreet Reny: All the time, we just got off the road from a nonstop, 2yr-from show to show, living in a tour bus/rv and before that truck and trailer tour. We are living in Portland now focusing on tours two weeks at a time. Every couple of months w/ local shows in between. We just returned from tour in Central America. We were hired for a cultural arts envoy program for the US Embassy. We are doing an East coast and Southern tour for early 2013 as well as the busy festival season in 2013.

Aunt Kitty: If you had an all time favorite lineup (present and past) of people you would like to jam LIVE with, who would they be?

Sidestreet Reny: Bo Carter, Rakim, Marley, Al Green, Tom Waits, Allison Krauss, Joni Mitchell, Aretha Franklin, Curtis Mayfield and Paul name a few.

Aunt Kitty: From then to now, what direction would you like Sidestreet Reny to take, or continue?

Sidestreet Reny: Just to keep making music and growing as an artist, daily. Also... 

NOW...NOW.... I would be remiss to finish the last statement. Mr. Reny gave

( LOL) how about we hear that one from the kid in the candy store himself ;-) live on Intrinsic Communication Radio next week. Then we can get down home and giddy with it and have fun and enjoy the journey "live with Sidestreet Reny." Below is a line up of his websites and connections so read up, listen up and enjoy!


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