
Showing posts from January, 2017

Points to help with Narcisists

This is more than likely something you all already know about Narcisists but I will bring this information to you in hopes you will be able to let go of your anger towards them and learn to take your power back. There are facts about narcissists that most people overlook, because most people do not work within the "me" mindset. They also don't think constantly of winning and taking control of another, however narcissists live off of this power they gain. 1. Engaging in smear campaigns Once you get deep into the relationship, they have you where they want you. If you move into a new neighborhood, they will talk to every neighbor you have, they will tell them you are a horrible person, they will whisper and act like you are controlling everything they do in front of these people making you look like the control freak. If they have friends, they will drive you to distraction with bullshit and nonsense before the friends come over, so all they see is you being angry an