Stress and Tecaree Hudson "Crimson Vision Entertainment"
What you call old school is the true school! The Hudson's; bringing back what we have lost in Music and Entertainment with wisdom, style and a full intelligent message! I like to tell my friends; what is the point of becoming a mature person when you have done it all by 25. The Hudsons' (Tecaree and Stress) are bringing us a taste of what remembering our values and personal strength can do. They are giving us, a taste of Old School, Hip-Hop and R&B without losing the beats and energy of New-School. So without further ado may I introduce 'via' Q&A interview, Jabula Stress and Tecaree of Crimson Vision Entertainment! Aunt Kitty: Lets give the reader a little more information about Stress and Tecaree Hudson, and what you both are doing. Stress: Well as we speak I am putting finishing touches on my "Crown Hudson" album and my wife Tecaree is a couple songs away from wrapping up her...