The pain of judging others
Let`s speak about judgement for a minute. When we judge others usually it comes from a place of us needing to be right. "Right?" See this is where we lose our inner power and understanding. The question is, is this my place and purpose? If you beleive in what the Bible says you would never waist your time judging another soul ever. With judegment ususaly comes the need to create tangeble evidence of a persons diception. If they prove themselves to not be whatever it was you thought you have waisted your time, energy and personal power trying to get to the "truth" of someone elses "truth!" You can instead see if you care to resonate with this person at this time, and if not you can gentely remove yourself from the situation until you desire or if you desire to connet with them. Judgment comes from the mind, compassion the heart, love from the body (connectedness), understanding both the heart and mind. If you care, put all people before you to the highe...