
Showing posts from June, 2014

F.E.A.R Take a Bite!

So often we allow Fear to run our lives, those little voices planted in us by those who FEAR, and that is the inharmonious nature that keeps us down! This was my post this morning on my Facebook page.  F.E.A.R False Evidence Appearing Real. Yes I am using and acronym and that is okay. I have found all the little fears that have been planted in my head over the years and I am taking a Big Ol' bite out of them.  This is my suggestion to all of you who are living with the fears, fears that others have placed inside your mind. Fears that you have conjured up because of some sort of tangible evidence that you think is real. If you allow every little voice in your head to control your actions you will be stuck like a Deer in headlights on this road called life.  I encourage you today to call on your Higher Power, State firmly that Clarity IS KING, call on your clarity, encourage your inner voice to speak your truth. Remo...