
Showing posts from April, 2014

Set your gauge, Embrace the true you!

I have always been a loving individual. Sometimes this makes me a target for those people we call " Energy Vampires!" I have found that pulling back helps me readjust my emotional barometer, once I pull back, I can gauge what is in fact my energy and what is the leaking energy of another. The signs of an Energy Vampire are clear: 1. They are charming ( this draws you in) 2. They will try to convince you, you need them ( this is the trap) 3. They will tell you, you are flawed in some way and insist you are imperfect 4. They will get angry and shut down  or attack you through your friends hoping this will convince you to take what is given or give over to them. I AM a loving person, deserving and accepting of true Love and Grace, I AM powerful beyond my own comprehension, and I AM still growing and learning everyday. I AM perfect in my imperfections, because truthfully nothing and no one is imperfect or perfect we just ARE! Set your gauge to you, and have a Blessed day...